Who we are

Welcome to our community psychedelic integration circle! We're so glad you're here ❤ The intention of this group is to create a safe space for us to share and process experiences that are outside the ordinary within a supportive and non-judgmental community of peers. This is also a place to share resources and meet like-minded folks. Please read and respect our community agreements (below) so that we all can have a safe and uplifting experience here.

Community Agreements:

~Confidentiality: We don't talk about what is discussed in the circle (Facebook group, online or in-person meetings) outside of the circle. Screen shots sharing is strictly prohibited in order to protect the safety of group members.

~Anonymity: We don't identify each other as being part of this group when we run into each other in public (e.g. don't go up to someone in their place of work and bring up their integration experience).

~Avoid Advice: We're not here to ask for or give advice, although you can share what has been helpful for you... (see next agreement)

~"I" Statements rather than "You" Statements: helps keep us from telling people what they should do. Instead of "you should drink more water" you might say, " when I was in a similar situation, drinking more water helped me."

~Step Forward, Step Back: We allow everyone time to talk. If we notice that we've been dominating the conversation, we step back and encourage people who are more soft-spoken to participate by creating space for them.

~Don't Buy or Sell: This is not a place to look for drugs or sell them.

(gratitude to Tam Integration for the agreements 🙏)